Inclement weather/DLD

LSHS Inclement Weather Plan

In the event of a school closure due to inclement weather, Lithia Springs High School High will follow through with our Distance Learning Plan.

1. School Closure Notification

  • In the event of inclement weather, Lithia Springs High School will close.

  • The school will implement the Distance Learning Plan during the closure.

2. Online Assignments

  • Teachers will post assignments on Google Classroom.

  • Students should complete the posted assignments while at home.

3. Power Outage Preparedness

  • To prepare for potential power outages, teachers may provide alternative assignments that do not require online access.

4. Virtual Office Hours

  • Teachers will hold virtual office hours to assist students with any questions or difficulties regarding assignments.

5. Assignment Deadlines

  • All assignments are due by the date specified by the teacher when they return to school.

6. Access and Password Assistance